Tuesday, March 10, 2009

World Record Defrag Time

7:30am Tuesday morning. Defrag at 36%

The cyclone seems to have missed us. Pretty much zero rain for the whole time that the cyclone was off the coast. It was funny how most of the town went into panic mode, stocking up on supplies and fuel. The supermarkets were packed with people when Cilla went to do the normal weekly shop with lineups at the check-outs going all the way down the aisle. We heard similar stories from friends that went shopping at different times of the day, so it sounds like the shops had a good week this week. Nothing like fear to drive spending. Just the threat of a natural disaster is enough to open the coin purses of our economically challenged community.

It looks as though a lot of people have stocked up for nothing. The cyclone has missed us completely. It would have turn around completely and double back on itself to present any threat to us now.

We've had some nice cool, breezy and overcast days but it would've been nice to get some rain out of it.

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